unfolding matter (ES)
multimodal installation
process w/ Julia Ziener

unfolding matter is an iteration of a research process with materiality and its correspondence with social discourses. it takes form as a multimedia installation that inquires upon a diversification of aesthetical sensibilities fostered by mixed technics ranging from disciplinary and visual scaling, microscopical sample analyses, field recordings, digital juxtaposition, to bioplastic production -whose primary ingredients are the materials that the installation presents 
articulating assumably bounded fields, the current iteration presents the material findings of a specific place as a footprint; agencies that tend to be disregarded through anthropocentric representations of reality on a western-ontological basis. the interactive installation aims to unfold the material findings, reflecting upon their agencies as voices and histories creating a polyphonic scenario. the participants may interact with the objects and with it recreate different audiovisual settings that work as abstractions of speculative storytellings in which matter trascends its mere utilitarian role

activated at Sympoietic Sites, 2021