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los procesos que clonfuyen y atraviesan esta página derivan de la pregunta por formas mutables de escucha, esculpidas en resonancia con manifestaciones divergentes del tejido socioecológico planetario del cual somos parte. reconociendo la fluidez, la heterogeneidad, lo difuso, lo turbio, el cambio y la interdependencia como componentes inherentes de dicho tejido, estos procesos se entrelazan con diversas onto-espistemologías y afectos iterando, plasmando, imaginando y proponiendo técnicas de encuentros interespecíficos. 

b.a. en antropología social y cultural, m.a. en el programa interdisciplinar design & computation entre la universidad de artes (udk) y la universidad técnica de berlín (tu) y parte de la plataforma de investigación artística new practice in art and technology. parte del design research lab en berlín (anteriorimente) y colectivos de investigación knowbotiq, nodes, ~pes, entre moléculas y s4ntp.
the processes converging and traversing this site stem from the inquiry into mutable forms of listening, sculpted in resonance with divergent manifestations of the planetary socio-ecological fabric of which we are part. acknowledging fluidity, heterogeneity, diffuseness, disturbance, motion and interdependence as inherent components of this fabric, these processes intertwine with diverse onto-epistemologies and affects, iterating, imagining, and enacting technics of interpecific encounter. 

b.a. in social and cultural anthropology, m.a. in the interdisciplinary program design & computation between the university of the arts (udk) and the technical university in berlin (tu) and part of the artistic research platform new practice in art and technology. part of the design research lab in berlin (former) and collectives knowbotiq, nodes, ~pes, entre moléculas & s4ntp.

próximos eventos ~ upcoming

streams of permeation in a thickening swamp (workshop w/ ~pes & amanda gutiérrez), 8 + 9 + 10 + 11.10.2024 
errant bodies, berlin, DE

hydrolithic modulations (lecture performance), 24.10.2024 
hear me! festival, usti nad labem, CZ

seismic diaries (radiophonic transmission w/ ~pes), 6 - 11.11.2024 
stromboli, IT

delving into the grünfläche’s underground ecologies (series of workshops w/ ~pes), 01.2024 - 03.2025
ngbk’s station urbaner kulturen hellersdorf, DE

eventos pasados ~ past events

entre moléculas


2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US

2024 hydrolithic modulations: aquiferous echoes of the ranchería river’s middle basin in la guajira (installation + activation), 25.05.24, @ new practice in art & technology studio, berlin, DE
2024 walking on a long thin layer (installation), 12.04.24 - 19.04.24, klangmanifeste24 @ echoraum wien, AT

2024 singing seismographs (workshop w/ ralf schreiber), 13.04.2024 @ echoraum, wien, AT

2024 hidrofonías desertificadas (lecture performance w/ ~pes), 13.03.2024 @ ríos en movimiento, universidad de caldas, manizales, CO

2024 ¡eco!, el paisaje está cantando (workshop w/ ~pes), 06.03.2024 @ flecho, bahía solano, CO

2023 derrames (publication w/ ~pes), signatura, humanidades ambientales (12.23)

2023 cavities (live ambisonic concert), 27.10.2023 at zimmt, leipzig, DE

2023 leakages (installation w/ ~pes), 15.06.23 - 31.08.23, cuerpos de agua at ngbk’s station urbaner kulturen hellersdorf, DE

2023 reading rains (workshop w/ fluid ecotonalism network), 19.08.2023 @ floating, berlin, DE

2023 walking ~ listening with the wuhle river: mimetic acts of reciprocity (soundwalk w/ ~pes), 04.08.2023, artistic ecologies at ngbk’s station urbaner kulturen hellersdorf, DE

2023 driftings (live ambisonic concert), 29.07.2023 @ the national house, ústí nad labem, CZ

2023 i build my language with rocks: ash rain (publication w/ ~pes), 21st edition of UdK’s journal (07 - 10.23)

2023 derrames (live listening session w/ ~pes), 29.03.2023 @ hotelier, porto, PT

2023 mercurybodies - remote sensations (w/ knowbotiq), 04.02.2023 - 21.05.2023, ki und eine zukünftige gemeinschaft @ kunstmuseum stuttgart, DE

2023 composting slow violence (w/ entre moléculas), 04.02.2023 - 21.05.2023, ki und eine zukünftige gemeinschaft @ kunstmuseum stuttgart, DE

2023 i build my language with rocks: ash rain (w/ ~pes), 04.02.2023 - 06.02.2023, @ ctm, berlin, DE

2022 sound (re)searching (workshop w/ acualiteracias workshop), 13.12.2022 @ la escuela, online

2022 urban resonances at x-properties- zur de-/finanzialisierung der stadt (soundwalk), 29.10.2022 for ngbk, kreuzberg, DE

2022 uneven topographies: gold-mercury amalgams, 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022, @ ars electronica, linz, AT

2022 re:hear:sync (av set with valentina berthelon, mengxuan, aerea negrot, anastasia almosova, tobias freund, zhiping), 04.09.2022 @ monopol, berlin, DE

2022 composting slow violence (w/ entre moléculas), 20.06.2022 - 09.09.2022 @ documenta15, kassel, DE

2022 archipelago (installation), 05.03.2022 @ acud macht neu, berlin, DE

2022 cartographic exercises, 25.02.2022 - 26.02.2022 @ sympoietic sites, berlin, DE

2022 sound (re)searching (workshop), 01.07.2022 for documenta15 composting network, kassel, DE

2022 talking to you, dead water! (live listening session w/ entre moléculas), 25.06.2022 for ngbk’s the driving factor in lausitz, DE

2022 nodes (live set), 22.06.2022 @ radio art zone in esch, LUX

2022 nodes (live set), 14.05.2022 at teufelsberg domecast in berlin, DE

2022 critical techno(eco)logies (workshop & research assistance), 21-25.03.2022 @ design research lab in berlin, DE

2022 remote evocations (w/ entre moléculas), invited by knowbotiq in the framework of the atrato studies commissioned by más arte más acción. 11.02.2022 - 10.04.2022 @ helmhaus, zürich, CHZ

2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
2024 nodes (live set) @ present sounds, light & sound studio, 29.07.24, brooklyn, US
actos miméticos de reciprocidad
caminata sonora, composición colectiva y sesión de escucha
proceso con ~pes y la iniciativa ciudadana kienberg wuhletal
en el marco de artistic ecologies de la ngbk
mimetic acts of reciprocity
sound walk, collective composition & listening session
process w/ ~pes and the kienberg wuhletal citizens’ initiative
in the context of ngbk’s artistic ecologies

wuhle fluss, hellersdorf, DE ~ 2023

    actos miméticos de reciprocidad; despliegues a lo largo de una caminata sonora que sigue un tramo del Wuhle ~pequeño afluente de la margen derecha del río Spree que fluye por Marzahn-Hellersdorf en Berlín~ a través de ejercicios de escucha  activata con múltiples manifestaciones de esta cuenca hidrográfica.

a través de evocaciones de recuerdos, imaginarios y respuestas a los retos sociales y ecológicos locales, estos ejercicios buscan maneras de sintonizarse con las manifestaciones inaudibles y murmurantes para apelar a dichos retos. 
durante el paseo sonoro, se compuso un guión colectivo y un paisaje sonoro derivado con el objetivo de incorporar estas ecologías como encuentros parciales con diversas temporalidades y una miríada de seres en proceso de transformación, cuestionando y excediendo las representaciones estáticas y cerradas del paisaje.

con las voces y contribuciones de Pedro Mora, Lavinia Parsi, Suzanna Gonzo, Yuval Carasso, Endi Tupja, Margaret Kiz, Antonio Ayora, Lago Pedreira, Maria Serrano, Ingo Bolz

    mimetics acts of reciprocity unfold throughout a soundwalk following a section of the Wuhle -a small right-bank tributary of the Spree that flows through marzahn-hellersdorf- through listening exercises with multiple manifestations of this water basin  

memories, imaginaries and responses to social and ecological challenges are evoked, fostering attunements to the inaudible and murmurous worlds. During the soundwalk, a collective script and derivative soundscape was compos(t)ed aiming to incoporate these ecologies as partial encounters with diverse temporalities and myriad beings in the process of becoming, questioning, and exceeding conventional close-ended representations of the landscape.

with the voices and contributions of Pedro Mora, Lavinia Parsi, Suzanna Gonzo, Yuval Carasso, Endi Tupja, Margaret Kiz, Antonio Ayora, Lago Pedreira, Maria Serrano, Ingo Bolz.